п»ї Hello world! It’s Me. – Kristin Lipscomb

Hello world! It’s Me.

So if you are wondering why on earth is “she” AKA “me” writing a blog… yah, I completely understand. The last thing I wanted to do was to write. Or let’s just be real here in this virtual world… add another thing to my plate! But, if you know me, you know I also want to move forward in life. Living static is boring. So here we are giving this writing thing a whirl. And staying obedient to my ask.

So a bit about me. Hmmmm…. perhaps I should ask you what you would want to know? Nah…..next time. So the most important. I love Jesus. Period. I am married to an incredible man. His name is Josh and he makes me better. A lot better (in every sense of the word). And yes, he is my best friend and lover. Enough said. I am a momma to two very active, smart and creative boys (Caleb & Jonah) who keep me REAL busy. (Like if there was stock in sports programs I should buy, now… wait is there?!) But I love every minute of being their mom. I also have a dog. And it’s a girl. Her name is Maggie. So let’s just be honest here… God knew I couldn’t have girls because I wouldn’t be able to afford their wardrobe. But, me and the dog (or the dog and I) – we rule the roost. Oh and I am a Pastor (along side my husband) of an incredible multisite church community (Liberty Church). Seriously blessed. And this pastor may also have had an affinity with mixing vinyl records, loving people and fighting for solid causes. I am committed to being a voice for those with none and love to see people champion each other. I also love fashion. I love to decorate. I love my friends. I also love Ina Garten but oddly enough would rather have something catered. So there you have it.

Hello World. It’s Me.

  • Dionne Davis December 16, 2016 at 2:18 am

    Heyyyyyy, my little Yorkie is named Maggie too!!

    • Kristin Lipscomb January 3, 2017 at 7:47 pm

      Great minds think a like! Thanks for checking out the blog.

  • Sharon December 16, 2016 at 8:19 pm

    You go girl! I know this has been in your heart a long time! ❤️ It!

    • Kristin Lipscomb January 3, 2017 at 7:48 pm

      Thanks Sharon. Yes, too long! 🙂

  • Joanna Mayes December 17, 2016 at 4:41 pm

    His is awesome girl! Love it and love what God is going to do with it!

    • Kristin Lipscomb January 3, 2017 at 7:48 pm

      Thanks so much Joanna. Work in progress for sure!